Monday, December 12, 2016
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Friday, October 14, 2016
Sunday, July 10, 2016
It happens with creatures - Are we the same?
Looking at the way things happening now in this world. What do you say?
It's a predator's world!.
Friday, July 1, 2016
Sai Ashrayadham 20th Anniversary video part 3
Sai Ashrayadham 20th Anniversary video part 3
Sunday, 19th June 2016 - Sai Ashrayadham completed 20 years.
Launch of website
and celebrations held at the premises on this ausipicious day.
Special performance of Yakshagana "Bhaktha Prahlada" by Karnataka Kala Darshini artists.
To know more about Sai Ashrayadham, welcome to contact: cell/8088222936
Welcome to like my page to get more updates/photos/videos of the above programme.
Photos at:…/rameshmen…/albums/72157669088207320
Videos at:
Sai Ashrayadham 20th Anniversary video part 2
Sai Ashrayadham 20th Anniversary video part 2
Sunday, 19th June 2016 - Sai Ashrayadham completed 20 years.
Launch of website
and celebrations held at the premises on this ausipicious day.
Special performance of Yakshagana "Bhaktha Prahlada" by Karnataka Kala Darshini artists.
To know more about Sai Ashrayadham, welcome to contact: cell/8088222936
Welcome to like my page to get more updates/photos/videos of the above programme.
Photos at:…/rameshmen…/albums/72157669088207320
Videos at:
Sai Ashrayadham 20th Anniversary video part 1
Sai Ashrayadham 20th Anniversary video part 1
Sunday, 19th June 2016 - Sai Ashrayadham completed 20 years.
Launch of website
and celebrations held at the premises on this ausipicious day.
Special performance of Yakshagana "Bhaktha Prahlada" by Karnataka Kala Darshini artists.
To know more about Sai Ashrayadham, welcome to contact: cell/8088222936
Welcome to like my page to get more updates/photos/videos of the above programme.
Photos at:…/rameshmen…/albums/72157669088207320
Videos at:
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Monday, June 6, 2016
Compassionate Ramadan 2016 – photography competition
Photography competition to capture the inner reflections of life that you learn by capturing a “Compassionate Moment” you witness during this Ramadan.
This Ramadan 2016, Passionate Photographers group invite all Passionate photographers of any age with an attitude of participating in a community event which may lead to a winning moment in their life!
Send us photos of a “Compassionate Moment” that you witness and capture!
Photos taken using Mobile and professional cameras accepted. Awesome prizes to win!
Email your entries to: with the title – Compassionate Ramadan 2016/Your name
Include the following details : Name, Age, Address, email, phone and a few words about the location and camera or phone you used to click.
Simultaneously post the photos and videos to Passionate Photographers group on Facebook with hashtags #passionatephotographers and
Brought to you by: Passionate Photographers & Team 1 TalentShare
Entries close: 16th July 2016
All entries will be showcased in Passionate Photographers group & Talent Share blogs
Special highlights with Weekly Winners
Entries close: 16th July 2016
All entries will be showcased in Passionate Photographers group & Talent Share blogs
Special highlights with Weekly Winners
Sponsors and Promoters Welcome / For queries, please email to
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Countdown begins – Passionate Photographs of INDIA – photography competition
Passionate Photographs of INDIA
Exclusive photography competition to showcase Beautiful INDIA
On the occasion of ISC-IPEF Travel & Tourism Expo 2016 being held on 20th & 21st May 2016 at ISC Abu Dhabi
For all Passionate photographers of any age with an attitude of participating in a community event which may lead to a winning moment in their life!
Send us photos and videos (maximum 2 minute length) that you have captured during your visit to India. Photos taken using Mobile and professional cameras accepted. Awesome prizes to win!
Email your entries to:
Include the following details : Name, Age, Address, email, phone and a few words about the location and camera or phone you used to click.
Simultaneously post the photos and videos to Passionate Photographers group on Facebook with hashtags
#passionatephotographers and #ISC-IPEF-TravelTourismExpo2016
Brought to you by: Passionate Photographers & Team 1 TalentShare
Entries close: 19th May 2016
- All entries will be showcased at the venue during ISC-IPEF Travel Tourism Expo 2016
- Photographs from every Indian State welcomed and there will be State wise special prizes for best submissions.
- Participants are requested to submit photographs that are un-manipulated and real, and that capture their special moments in India.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Vote for the “OUTSTANDING PROJECT” - Think Science Award
Total is a Connect Partner of Emirates Foundation since 2006. Think Science competition, an initiative of Emirates Foundation, entailed participation of more than 640 youth who developed and executed 235 scientific projects intended for community benefits and industrial investments.
The projects were evaluated and judged by around 60 Judges of PhD holders specialized in S&T, calibers and experts from S&T industry, and accordingly the 1st place winners of each category were selected. This year, 2 New Awards have been introduced, based on the voting of calibers from industry and public sectors specialized in science and engineering and they are Think Science 2016 Public Sector Award and Think Science 2016 Industry Sector Award.
Please note that you can vote only for ONE project out of the 44, and experts from each organization/company can vote based on the following secondary criteria like The originality of the idea, The level of innovation of the project, The social impact of the project (Project contributes to solving a community or environmental issue), The potential for the business to sustain itself financially (Project can be developed and commercialized), The level of scalability, The level of safety in application, The sustainability and use of natural material readily available locally.
Voting will close on Monday, May 16th and seek your support in encouraging the contestant with your vote.
(+Click here to vote).
Monday, May 9, 2016
Passionate Photographs of India - photography competition
Passionate Photographs of INDIA
photography competition to showcase Beautiful INDIA
On the
occasion of ISC-IPEF Travel & Tourism Expo 2016 being held on 20th & 21st
May 2016 at ISC Abu Dhabi
For all
Passionate photographers of any age with an attitude of participating in a
community event which may lead to a winning moment in their life!
Send us
photos and videos (maximum 2 minute length) that you have captured during your
visit to India. Photos taken using Mobile and professional cameras accepted.
Awesome prizes to win!
Email your
entries to:
Include the
following details : Name, Age, Address, email, phone and a few words about the
location and camera or phone you used to click.
post the photos and videos to Passionate Photographers group on Facebook with
hashtags #passionatephotographers and
Brought to
you by: Passionate Photographers & Team 1 TalentShare
close: 19th May 2016
• All entries will be showcased at the
venue during ISC-IPEF Travel Tourism Expo 2016
• Photographs from every Indian State
welcomed and there will be State wise special prizes for best submissions.
• Participants are requested to submit
photographs that are un-manipulated and real, and that capture their special
moments in India.
حصرياً مسابقة التصوير
الفوتوغرافي لمشاهدة جمال
بمناسبة انعقاد معرض اكسبو في
20 / 21 مايو 2016 أبوظبي , تتشرف ISC-IPEF للسفر و
السياحة بطرح مسابقة للتصوير الفوتوغرافي.
و في هذه المناسبة تعطى الفرصة
لجميع المصورين المبدعين من جميع الأعمار للمشاركة في هذا الحدث المجتمعي لإعطاء فرصة
لحظة الفوز في حياتهم!
ارسال صور أو مقطع فيديو تم التقاطها عن طريق هاتفك
المتحرك (الموبايل) أو عدسة كاميراتك
الشخصية خلال زيارتك للهند بشرط أن لا تطول مدة الفيديو اكثر من دقيقتين.
جوائز عديدة في انتظاركم.
إلى إرسال جميع البيانات المطلوبة: الاسم , العمر , العنوان , الهاتف , و شرح مبسط
عن موقع التصوير و نوعية الكاميرا او الهاتف التي تم استخدامه في التقاط الصور أو
الصور أو الفيديو في موقع التواصل الاجتماعي (الفيسبوك) و إضافتها إلى رابطة
الهاشتاق التالية: (#passionatephotographers)
برعاية: Passionate Photographers & Team 1 TalentShare
التسجيل في 19 مايو 2016
تستغل هذه الفرصة لعرض جميع المشاركات و الصور من جميع
انحاء الهند في معرض ISC-IPEF للسفر و السياحة 2016.
مرحب بجميع المصورين, كما أنه وقد خصصت جوائز خاصة لأفضل
عرض او صوره تحكي عن اللحظات الخاصة في الهند.
يرجى من المشاركين تقديم الصور أوالفيديو من دون أي
تغيير أو إستخدام برامج كالفوتوشوب, لذا على الصور أن تكون طبيعية و حقيقية من
خلال الوقت المميز الذي تم إمضائه في الهند.
Avis aux
photographes passionnés par l’Inde.
exclusif de photographie pour mettre en avant la beauté de l’Inde
A l’occasion
de l’exposition 2016 “ISC-IPEF Travel & Tourism“ qui se tiendra les 20 et 21 Mai 2016 au Centre Social et
Culturel Indien d’Abou Dhabi.
Le concours est
accessible a tous les photographes passionnes (de tout âge) et peut vous
permettre de gagner de nombreux prix.
Vous pouvez nous
envoyer vos photographies ou vidéos (durée maximale de la vidéo 2 minutes)
que vous avez pris durant vos différents séjours en Inde. Les photos prises
avec un Smartphone ou un appareil professionnel sont acceptées.
Ajoutez dans
votre mail les informations suivantes :
Nom Prénom, Age,
Adresse, Email, numéro de téléphone.
Rajoutez également
quelques mots sur la localisation de la photographie et l’appareil utilisé.
Vous pouvez aussi
poster vos photos sur le groupe Facebook Passionate Photographers en utilisant
le #passionatephotographers ou #ISC-IPEF-TravelTourismExpo2016
Ce concours est organisé
par : Passionate Photographers & Team 1 TalentShare
Vous avez jusqu’au
19 Mai 2016 pour déposer vos photos
les photographies seront présentées lors de l’exposition “ ISC-IPEF Travel
Tourism Expo 2016“
Les photographies peuvent provenir de n’importe quel état Indien. Des prix
spéciaux sont à gagner pour les plus beaux clichés.
photographes doivent déposer des photographies réelles et sans retouche
capturant des moments spéciaux de leur séjour en Inde.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Admissions open at MVJ College of Engineering Bangalore
MVJ College of Engineering (MVJCE), Bangalore is ranked
amongst the Top 75 Engineering colleges in India and amongst the Top
10 Engineering colleges in Bangalore (Source: Outlook, June
2011,2012,2013, 2014 & 2015).
MVJCE has a 33 year legacy of producing top quality
industry ready engineers. Till date more than 20,000 engineers have graduated
from MVJCE. For the year 2013 and 2014, MVJCE had been positioned 3rd in
the University for the number of University ranks its students have secured. MVJCE’s
academic strength is reflected by the consistent above 96% university pass
percentage and the 89 University ranks the students have secured in the past 8
years alone.
MVJCE focuses on overall development of students and in
its endeavor to achieve this the college encourages its students to actively
participate in co-curricular activities. Clubs/ forums such as Engineers
Without Boarders, Astronomy, UAV, Robotics, SAE give students a platform to
apply their knowledge to develop and innovate new products/ solutions.
Regular interactive workshops conducted by industry
leaders and renowned scientists allow the students to identify and discuss the
latest developments and requirements in the engineering domain. A recent
example is the three day workshop on “Tomorrow’s Engineers” during the month of
March was of immense value as students were able to interact with the likes of Dr. Krishaswamy Kasturirangan, an
Indian space scientist who headed Indian space research organization (ISRO)
from 1994 to 2003. Dr. Krishaswamy
Kasturirangan is a recipient of the three major civilian awards from the Government of India,
the Padma Shri (1982), Padma Bhushan (1992) and Padma Vibhushan (2000).
Sports, technical and cultural clubs play an integral
part of the student’s life at MVJCE.
Cultural clubs such as theater, literary, music etc play an
integral part of the student’s life at MVJCE. Annual cultural fest Swayam
plays host to leading teams from various college across South India
Sports plays an integral part of student’s life at MVJCE.
Indoor and outdoor play areas are designed for sports such as basketball,
football, hockey, volley ball etc. MVJCE is consistently positioned amongst the
top 5 colleges in the university for sports.
MVJCE’s focus is not to create
engineers but to create well-rounded, responsible human beings with the
required technical expertise and application knowhow
With over 70 companies visiting the campus each year,
MVJCE creates ample opportunities for students to get placed leading to a 90%
placement record. A 200 hour personality development programme across 4 years
of the course makes it easier for the students to crack the recruitment
Labs set up by companies such as Quest Global and
National Instruments provide certification courses in addition to regular
MVJCE is one college which strive to cultivate a HSEQ
(Health, Safety, Environment and Quality) culture among it’s students from the
beginning so that it become a part of their life ahead at home and work and
they add value to the society.
Each year approximately 4500 students study at MVJCE.
Students from various parts of India, Middle East, Mauritius, Nepal come to
MVJCE to fulfill their academic desires. Neat, safe and well equipped hostels
for boys and girls present a homely and calm environment for students from
multicultural backgrounds to mingle. The campus presents other facilities
such as Wi-Fi, Medical Center, Library, Transportation, Banking and a Hi-Tech
Courses offered: Aeronautical, Mechanical, Electronics and
Communication, Civil, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Science,
Chemical, Information Science, Medical Electronics.
Eligibility Criteria for Admission: Minimum 60% in Class
10th & Class 12th from any recognized board.
We request you to visit our campus for a tour and
counselling session or call/email us on Phone: +91-80-42991040 Email:
You may talk to our Middle East point of contact for more
information/ clarification. Contact Mr Ramesh Menon: 00971552453151.
Photo Speaks: Do not give up! or rather Fight it out!.
Do not give up! or rather Fight it out!. It was pleasant to see the loaded bullock cart plying through the busy city traffic of Coimbatore, which has one of the best mobility options for goods transport.
Vishu and Cashew Nuts - money money money!
Month of April and it is holiday season for children. Added
with many festivals including Vishu.
A quick visit to my home in Kerala and a walk around brought
back memories of my childhood days. We used to wait for the exams to finish and
then starts the family visits. Children will come to our home as well as we
visit their homes. In the villages, with farming and cultivation, it used to be
fun all along. For us, the season brings an additional source of income to
supplement our expenses, as pocket money used to be very very limited. Except
for the 1 rupee or 50 paise given to us as "Vishu Kaineettam" - a
tradition where elders give money to those younger to them on the day of Vishu,
there was absolutely no source of money to either buy any toys or go for a
movie at the local cinema. This is when we gather together and walk around and
collect the fallen cashew nuts and then take it to the local vendor and sell
them and keep the cash. The nuts are sold and the fruits are mostly eaten while
collecting or on the way.
Of course and obviously the vendor will give us only lesser
amount than the normal market rate as he knows very well that this is something
we do without permission of our parents or relatives (although all parties are
Gone are those days, and now children have several other
ways to keep them engaged, and money is not an issue at all. Engaging or
getting them engaged is now a main source of income by means of "Summer
Camps". Advantage and disadvantage of modernization!.
This post is intended to all those who enjoyed the olden
golden days will cherish remembering those days.
Southern Beauty - A minute with ClicksandWrites
A quick round up of the beauty I saw through my lens during a short visit to Coimbatore, Palghat and Trichur. Most of the photos in this presentation are taken using mobile phones. Once again it is my way to prove what I say and write, Photography is a good way to create a positive effect when adversities of life target you in strange and uncertain ways!
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Flowering Mango trees announces the arrival of a new season
Flowering Mango trees announces the arrival of a new season
വരവായി ഒരു മാമ്പഴക്കാലം കൂടി !
It is not only the date palm trees flowering, walk around the corniche and you will get to see the mango trees fully flowered. take your children out. show them, the nature’s natural way of informing us the change of seasons!.
This is from Abu Dhabi Marina Mall area.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Technology behind Red Bull Air Race Pylons - A minute with ClicksandWrites
Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi
Friday, 11th March 2016
@redbullairrace #airrace
Friday, 11th March 2016
@redbullairrace #airrace
Made with a special lightweight nylon, the pylons for Red Bull Air Race are designed with maximum safety and efficiency in mind. While they define the course, they are not there to get in the way; quite the opposite actually.
If a plane makes contact with a pylon, it is designed to breakaway or tear, with the air-pressurized structure falling away immediately. From there a specialized team kicks into action, and the ensuing few minutes are poetry in motion, not unlike watching a Formula 1 team perform a pit stop.
If a plane makes contact with a pylon, it is designed to breakaway or tear, with the air-pressurized structure falling away immediately. From there a specialized team kicks into action, and the ensuing few minutes are poetry in motion, not unlike watching a Formula 1 team perform a pit stop.
Text Source and opportunity thanks to: Red Bull Air Race Team
Friday, March 11, 2016
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Rain and Thunderstorm 09th March 2016 Abu Dhabi
Rain and Thunderstorm 09th March 2016 Abu Dhabi
UAE is experiencing bad weather these days and it is our primary objective to value safety on the roads, not only for us, but also for our fellow drivers. Safety starts before you drive, and our goal should be to see and be seen. Replace windshield wiper inserts that leave streaks or don’t clear the glass in a single swipe. Make sure all headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals are properly functioning so other drivers will see you during downpours. Turn on your headlights whenever you drive. Proper tire tread depth and inflation are imperative to maintaining good traction on wet roadways. Check each tire’s pressure, including the spare, at least once a month… and be sure to check the pressure when the tires are cold.
Also, please note to:
• Avoid Cruise Control
• Slow Down and Leave Room
• Respond carefully to a Skid
• Slow Down and Leave Room
• Respond carefully to a Skid
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Our Story of the Date Palms – 2016

Time Frame to participate : 09 March 2016 – 10 July 2016
To all:
Have you ever watched the Palm trees flowering process?. If not, watch them from now on. The trees have started the flowering!.
It will be a good observation cum photography experience if you track it.
Inviting you to click them from wherever you are post them at the event page of Passionate Photographerson Facebook with details. Opt to choose the growth sequence in one or two selected trees.
A display of this wonderful event and the result of your efforts submitted to Passionate Photographers group is planned with selected photos from members later during the year – when this seasonal cycle gets completed with the dates ripe, mature and fall down announcing the arrival of christmas and another year end.
You are welcome to post any number of photosper week for the next 5 months on the subject. 16 photos selected by each member / each month , ie March, April, May, June, July – will be exhibited.
Photos taken using Mobile Phones can also be submitted.
Time Frame for clicking : 9th March 2016 – 10 July 2016
Please post your clicks marked for this event on to Passionate Photographers group and also email the soft copy of it to
with the subject line: Photo Competition – “Our Story of the Date Palms – 2016”
Please note to observe the time and date you click along with the GPS location of your object, for jury to identify it before the exhibition.
Original high resolution files will be required to be submitted at a later stage with full information of the photo and photographer. Files should not be modified or altered with.
For those parents with children interested or not interested in Photography, this will be a very good exercise to have them observe the nature, the seasonal changes and to observe and realise how nature announces the arrival of the seasons in its own way. Since it is spread out during a period of four months, it will be also a test to find out how patient you are towards your short term and long term objectives.
Thus, to create interactive interest among parents/children/teachers, photos of participating children below age 16 will be separately displayed and appreciated.
Those children who are participating in this event are also welcome to write a short story – not less than 300 words – on their experience of capturing the season that passed by while photographing for this event.
Please share this event with your friends and family who may be interested.
Please do not hesitate to contact me in case you have any further clarifications.
Welcome to participate and Best wishes in advance,
Ramesh Menon, Abu Dhabi
p.s: I welcome corporate and individuals sponsors to this event.
Below is a teaser for those who are interested. The opportunity is infinite!!!
#passionatephotographers #clicksandwrites #Ourstoryofdatepalms2016
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