Welcome to read through Team 1 news’s Mind Speak column dated 15092007.
Passing the baton
The holy month of Ramadan started and it suddenly brings an air of devout feeling all around. People are more dutiful and accept their virtues and values during this auspicious month. It is at this point of time that I think about our immediate elders who live with us. It can be our grandfather, grandmother or uncles. How many of them now have the time to pass on stories or values of moral experience to our children. Not many, as they are all busy with their own scheme of things and worldly pleasures. Very few find a little extra time to sit with our children and pass on some extra special thing which they have in them. Probably most of them are busy with finding what they missed in someone and correct him or her or may be finding time to see what is happening with the sequence of the TV serial currently on. They miss a golden opportunity to groom a young generation immediately in front of them, who are waiting for a soft and gentle touch, which is extra special, and which they all are looking forward to. I hope they open their eyes and remember what they received from their own elders which made them more precious to the society.
War is On and the Expression of expressionless
The Twenty20 World Cup cricket is on in South Africa and by now we have seen some exciting cricket matches. One such match was the one where Zimbabwe beat the reigning world champions Australia. For the Australian team captain Rickey Ponting and his members, it was time to understand their ego. It was an expression of expressionless. Zimbabwe taught many lessons including one to West Indian team that if you field well and hold on to your catches, you can win matches. This format of cricket seems to be interesting at least from the Indian productivity point of view. Any cricket match anywhere in the world, will attract Indian viewers and if it happens to be a 50 over a side match, the productivity loss is that much. This shorter format saves a considerable amount of energy and resources at least in that aspect.
One more factor that interests me about this format is the combat element required while playing in this Twenty20 format. A player has to be fit, aggressive, alert, athletic and should have the urge to go for a kill while playing in. They are now in the same situation of a soldier from an infantry battalion, who has to go out in the battle field face the enemy straight away. It is here he claims his upper hand if he gets to kill one or many of his opponents before he himself succumbs to their bullets. This was proved when India batted against Pakistan yesterday. The urge to go for a kill was not there in the eyes and body gestures of players like Virendar Shewag and Yuraj Singh. And they failed miserably with their batting. India won the match with the bowl out going in favor of them. Full marks to Mahendra Singh Dhoni for his selection of bowlers for the bowl out as he did not give the pacers the initial go at the stumps and selected the slow and accurate bowlers who were right on target. Pakistan on the other hand, lost their scheme of things or I wonder where the mango trees in Pakistan gone these days. Even if do not have sufficient mango trees, we have proved by winning the bowl out that we have plenty of Public transport busses on the road to aim at and practice for a bowl out win. The pace bowlers did well within their limitations, especially Irfan Pathan. This is a killing field for bowlers, and whoever who comes out with less than 8 runs per over is a great bowler. There will be plenty of actions on this in the coming days.
The Art of Coming, coming, and still coming……….
It happens many time that we come across people who makes promises to us that they will deliver us a service within a stipulated time. They take up many things at the same time or due to the simple fact that they are not qualified enough to do the service which they are required to do, fail to deliver what they promise and keep on telling that, it is coming and on the way and will even give a time limit saying that – no sir, I will confirm it you before 12:30. Probably, he is too clever not to mention the day/date of this important 12:30 and we will sit and wait for such a 12:30 to happen. These days, we see many customer service representatives and authorities who practice this Art of Coming, coming and still coming…….. Unfortunately, I am suffering from one such group and my Team 1 news is specially dedicated to all of them who practice this art without knowing what they can or will be able to deliver. These days, a phone call, a sms, or an email stating the reason for the delay will very much avoid the wait, agony and planning disorder at the end of the valuable customer.

Taxi and transportation problem in Abu Dhabi.
Last but not the least, I cannot end my weekly round up with the support I am getting from unknown sources to express their feelings to the authorities through newspaper columns.
I remember seeing a movie Savage Harvest when I was a child. The story was on the famine situation in an African country, where by predatory animals coming out from the jungle and fighting it out to eat a whole village. The situation in the streets of Abu Dhabi is slowly getting to such a scene very soon, when you will see taxi users will fight their way in if ever they get to see a taxi coming.
I am doing my small bit of campaign to open the eyes of the authorities through newspaper columns and by other means. Suggestions have been made to introduce a Q system in all the taxi stops and also to introduce Circular public transport service within the main streets of Abu Dhabi to reduce the transportation problem of general public. If you wish to join me in this initiative, you may also forward your own thoughts and expressions to the situation to letter2editor@gulfnews.com. You may also send this to any of your friend or colleague who may be able to express it in a much better way to the authorities concerned. Finally, what we need is smooth transportation for general public to go and come back from work and to move around.
God bless and have a great week ahead.
Ramesh Menon
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