Accidents happen in many ways. Many times, it takes a lot from our life in not time. The photographs in this post is from a worksite accident that happened to one of my friend. In no time, his business was gutted. What surprised me from the photos he sent me of that incident was a book which remained partially burned. Titled in Malayalam "Engane Naam Marakkum" meaning "How do we forget", this book was on his table as he was working on it for updating his collection of websites. Strange was the fact that the author of the book Ravi Menon happened to be also an email contact of mine. I consider this mortal remains as a a pointer to some of the principle values I carry on in life. One of them is sharing our knowledge. Whatever happens to us, end of the day or end of our life, what remains is what knowledge we had with us and what we shared with our daily contacts. All other things are mortal according to me.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Photos of a recent fire incident - How do we forget?
Today in History - 30 June
1992 1st pay bathrooms in U.S. open: 25 cents, New York City
1984 Last sixpence minted in Great Britain (in use since 1551)
1973 Biggest U.S. tanker "Brooklyn" christened (230,000 ton)
1973 Observers aboard Concorde jet observe 72-minute solar eclipse
1972 1st leap second day; also 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985
1953 1st Corvette manufactured
1930 1st round-the-world radio broadcast Schenectady NY
1914 Mahatma Gandhi's 1st arrest, campaigning for Indian rights in South Africa
1894 London Tower Bridge opens
1893 Excelsior diamond (blue-white 995 carats) discovered
Monday, June 29, 2009
Talent Share - Summer campaign - Back from Summer Holiday Special
Children can draw, color or prepare poster on the above three or all the three and are free to send as many entries as they wish.
Act now and SHARE your child's creative talent to the world around. Send their works with the following details to at your convenience:
Date of Birth:
Parents Name:
Contact Telephone No(s):
Contact address : e-mail
Contact Address by Post:
Age group is from 04 to 15 years. However, all the others including Arts & Craft Teachers are welcome to submit their creative contribution.
This is an initiative created to promote the creative talent of children and has no commercial motives.
Please note that when a creative work comes online, it automatically become an immortal profile for them for use and exhibit at a later point of time.
Sincere regards,
Ramesh Menon
Today in History - 29 June
1969 1st Jewish worship service at White House
1952 1st aircraft carrier to sail around Cape Horn-Oriskany
1929 1st high-speed jet wind tunnel completed Langley Field Ca
Today in History - 28 June
1976 1st woman was admitted to Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs Colo
1956 1st atomic reactor built for private research operates Chicago, Illinois
1918 1st flight between Hawaiian Islands
1917 Potato entrepreneurs begins in Amsterdam
1909 1st French air show, Concours d'Avation opens
1859 1st dog show held, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England
1820 Tomato is proven non-poisonous
1762 1st reported counterfeiting attempt, Boston
Today in History - 27 June
1980 1st female state police graduates, New Jersey
1979 Muhammad Ali retires as boxing champ
1955 1st automobile seat belt legislation enacted, Illinois
1954 1st atomic power station opens (Obninsk, near Moscow, Russia)
1940 U.S.S.R. returns to Gregorian calendar
1929 1st color TV demo, New York City
1867 Bank of California opens doors
1693 1st woman's magazine "Ladies' Mercury" published (London)
1652 New Amsterdam (now New York City) passes 1st speed limit law in US
Today in History - 26 June
1992 New York City's Metropolitan Transportation Authority votes to ban cigarette ads on Jan 1, 1993
1989 Canada updates coins with a new potrait of the Queen
1984 1st flight of Shuttle Discovery (41-D) scrubbed at T -4
1978 First dedicated oceanographic satellite, SEASAT 1, launched
1975 Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declares a state of emergency
1949 1st Belgian parliamentary election where women can vote (CVP gains)
1917 1st U.S. Expeditionary Force arrive in France during WW I
1896 1st movie theater in U.S. opens, charging 10 cents for admission
1848 1st pure food law enacted in U.S.
1498 Toothbrush invented
1284 Pied Piper lures 130 children of Hamelin away (actually happened)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Today in History - 25 June
1953 1st passenger to fly commercially around the world < 100 hours
1951 1st color TV broadcast-CBS' Arthur Godfrey from New York City to 4 cities
1950 Israeli airline El Al begins service
1947 Tennis shoe introduced
1919 1st advanced monoplane airliner flight (Junkers F13)
1867 1st barbed wire patented by Lucien B Smith of Ohio
1864 Horse tramway at the Hague, opens
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
കേരളീയ ചുവര് ചിത്രകലയ്ക്ക് ഒരു ഇ ആസ്ഥാനം
കേരളീയ ചുവര് ചിത്രകലയ്ക്ക് ഒരു ഇ ആസ്ഥാനം
ഇന്ന് തന്നെ സന്ദര്ശിച്ചു നിങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള് രേഖപ്പെടുത്തൂ
Craft work - Paper bags
Art works by Suraj Menon - June 2009

To see the creative works by Suraj Menon, please visit:
Your comments are precious for this little children. Please encourage them with a few words of guidance and motivation by commenting here.
Photo Speaks - Closer to the tan
Photography as we say "keep clicking" is like the sound of a pendulum of clock. Continous 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours, 365 days... Once you get addicted, you will never stop CLICKING...
As a photography enthusiast, I love to participate in various photography competitions around. Sony SHOOTOUT is one of them. The competition is into the final stages now. And it is time to rank the entries, if not ranked/rated already. Please visit the following link and rate them without any delay.
I look forward to your support.
Remember, you have to register in order to rank or rate a photo. So, please take a few minutes to register. Please also note that you can vote only one time.
Have a great day ahead.
Today in History - 24 June
1985 18th Space Shuttle Mission (51-G)-Discovery 5 returns to Earth
1982 Soyuz T-6 Launch (U.S.S.R.)
1982 Supreme Court rules President can't be sued for actions in office
1967 Zaire adopts constitution
1963 1st demonstration of home video recorder, at BBC Studios, London
1930 1st radar detection of planes, Anacostia DC
1901 1st exhibition by Pablo Picasso, 19, opens in Paris
1894 Decision to hold modern Olympics every 4 years
1817 1st coffee planted in Hawaii on Kona coast
1793 1st republican constitution in France adopted
1717 1st Free Masons' grand lodge founded in London
1692 Kingston, Jamaica founded
1441 Eton College founded by Henry VI
Today in History - 23 June
1994 South Africa reclaims its seat in U.N.
1991 Mazda becomes 1st Japanese car to capture Le Mans 24 hour race
1990 Moldavia declares independence
1989 Movie "Batman" premieres
1985 Bomb destroys Air India Boeing 747 in air near Ireland, 329 die
1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act (Public Law 97-200)
1980 1st solar-powered coast-to-coast two-way radio conversation
1974 1st extraterrestrial message sent from Earth into space
1961 Antarctic Treaty goes into effect
1958 Dutch Reformed Church accepts women ministers
1950 Swiss parliament refuses voting right for women
1949 1st 12 women graduate from Harvard Medical School
1860 U.S. Secret Service created
1848 Antoine Joseph Sax patents Saxophone
1784 1st U.S. balloon flight, 13 year old Edward Warren
1775 1st regatta held on Thames, England
930 World's oldest parliament, the Iceland Parliament, established
Monday, June 22, 2009
DoT takes another step towards parking fines
Daniel Bardsley /THE NATIONAL
Last Updated: June 21. 2009 11:38PM UAE / June 21. 2009 7:38PM GMT ABU DHABI // New parking fees and fines will be “introduced and enforced” in the capital from next month, the Department of Transport said yesterday.
The department said in a press release that it planned to roll out new parking policies, which would include metered parking in the city centre.
It warned there would be “rigorous enforcement” of its new rules, although it did not go into detail about when or where meters would be switched on, or when drivers would start being charged and fined.
Both private and public parking spaces will be more tightly regulated, with the aim of encouraging drivers to stay for only a short time in busy city centre parking spots.
The first solar-powered meters were installed on Hamdan Street nearly three years ago, but they have lain unused until recently.
Last month, DoT staff began testing the devices, inserting coins and swiping credit cards.
Drivers will be able to pay for parking by text message, with a credit card or by pre-paid smart card, although the cost has not been disclosed.
The British company NCP Services, now called NSL Services Group, was hired last year to set up and manage the parking programme for the city centre and part of Airport Road.
Paid parking will be introduced in 10 stages over two-and-a-half years, with a total of 2,500 meters to be switched on.
The first year will see the recruitment and training of enforcement officers, the issuing of residents’ permits and a media campaign.
A transition period, during which offenders will be warned but not fined, is expected, but beyond this, repeat offenders risk having their vehicles clamped, towed away or impounded.
A contact centre and parking shop where drivers can buy permits and pay fines is to be opened.
Paid parking will eventually apply from the Corniche to Hazza bin Zayed Street between Khaleej al Arabi Road and the road that runs in front of Abu Dhabi Mall, as well as the strip from Hazza bin Zayed to Al Saada Street between Al Karamah Street and Fourth Street.
Mr Najeeb al Zarooni, the DoT’s parking director, said the system should not be seen as “a silver bullet” that would immediately solve the capital’s parking headaches, which partly stem from a growing number of vehicles registered.
“But we believe that positive impacts of the programme will begin to be felt by both drivers and residents before the year end,” he added.
Longer term, the DoT said yesterday it was looking for city centre sites for public car parks, either above or below ground. Temporary car parks may be erected initially.
Click here to read the original article
Bridge plan aimed at saving lives
Haneen Dajani, THE NATIONAL
Last Updated: June 22. 2009 1:40PM UAE / June 22. 2009 9:40AM GMT
A labourer crosses the eight-lane Highway 11 in front of traffic near Al Raha Mall. Ryan Carter / The National
ABU DHABI // More pedestrian bridges could be added to roads both within and outside city limits to reduce the growing number of people who are struck by vehicles.
At the launch of a three-month campaign to tackle jaywalking yesterday, Col Hamad al Shamsi, director of the police’s traffic and patrols department, said the department was looking at adding pedestrian bridges in more areas, including Mussafah and Shahama.
The colonel said the bridges were expected to be built in the coming years, although he could not give an exact date. The department has also asked the municipality to place barriers on pavements where pedestrians tend to jaywalk.
The number of pedestrians hit by vehicles in Abu Dhabi grew to 663 last year, up from 583 in 2007.
Yesterday the traffic department revealed it had issued Dh802,000 (US$218,000) worth of tickets since the start of this year, with 4,010 jaywalkers fined Dh200 each. Last year the fine for jaywalking was increased from Dh50.
Col al Shamsi said the department’s studies covered areas that lacked pedestrian crossings and were considered hot spots for accidents involving pedestrians.
Meanwhile, traffic police are focusing on educating the public on the rules for crossing roads and the dangers of jaywalking by increasing campaigns to fine jaywalkers. Patrols will be carried out by both traffic control police officers and undercover traffic officers.
“We have to consider the culture and background of pedestrians and make sure we get our message across,” said Col al Shamsi. “After last year’s campaign the number of accidents involving pedestrians dropped rapidly.”
He said pedestrians involved in accidents who were found to be jaywalking were liable to be fined.
Lt Col Ahmad al Shehhi, director of capital traffic police, said patrols would focus on hot spots including Mussafah, Shahama, Al Dhafra Road, the Corniche and Al Salam Street. “It is not possible to have a policeman on every road in every corner, so we assess which areas are the most dangerous.”
In the coming three months more police patrols will be dedicated to catching jaywalkers.
“We asked the municipality to place barriers on the pavements, especially in front of shops and public parks, to prevent people from crossing in areas where they are not supposed to,” said Col al Shamsi.
Brochures outlining the rules in Arabic and English are to be handed to pedestrians and motorists. One reminds pedestrians to look for the nearest subway or bridge before crossing the road, and to wait for the green pedestrian light before crossing at traffic lights.
Another brochure explains to motorists that white stripes across the road are pedestrian crossings and that priority should be given to pedestrians to allow them to cross.
The fine for not giving priority to pedestrians to cross is Dh500 and six black points.
Click here to read the original article
IGNOU invites applications
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has invited applications for entrance test for its management programmes including MBA, to be held on August 16, 2009.
Graduates in any disciplines with 50 per cent marks (45% for reserved category students) are eligible to apply.
Application form and prospectus can be downloaded from the web site
The duly filled in application along with a demand draft for Rs.550 drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi should be sent to the Registrar (SED), Block–12, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi–110068 by registered post so as to reach the addressee on or before July 15, 2009.
Courses in Nano-biotechnology
The International Centre for Nano-biotechnology of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University at Rajakkamangalam, Kanyakumari District, will offer a Master of Technology (M. Tech.) and a Master of Science (M. Sc.) in Nano-biotechnology.
The eligibility for the M. Sc. course is a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, plant sciences, animal sciences, chemistry, physics, medical science, agricultural science or environmental science.
The eligibility for the M. Tech. course is a B.E. or B. Tech. in biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, pharmaceutical engineering, biomedical engineering or chemical engineering. Students who have completed a PG in any life science are eligible for M. Tech.
Details at .