Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lessons from the last pile-up - My Letters - THE NATIONAL - Dt. 13.04.2011

Lessons from the last pile-up - My Letters - THE NATIONAL - Dt. 13.04.2011

In reference to Fog blamed for Abu Dhabi pile-up (April 3), the horrific accident that happened on the Abu Dhabi-Dubai highway reminded me of the pile-up that happened in October 2008.

At various times between these two periods, the press and authorities have warned road users of the dangers that prevail in this sector during bad weather days. It is a very dangerous situation on this particular stretch from Abu Dhabi to Dubai when visibility is less due to fog or sand storms.

Drivers forget the basics and continue speeding even as they are well aware of the dangers.

On March 26, on my way to Mafraq hospital at 6.00 am, I witnessed three near misses from speeding cars exiting the eastern ring road from Abu Dhabi to Dubai. This scene convinced me that police and transport authorities are helpless even if they introduce progressive measures like LED signage and modern speed cameras.

Congratulations to the Abu Dhabi authorities for constantly monitoring the situation and making changes as necessary to avert road accidents. Those traffic violators who speed ignoring the safety of fellow road users should be given compulsory community service at emergency and trauma units of major hospitals.

Safety is not a one-time activity. It is a 24x7 activity for all to make sure no pileups happen again on our roads.

Ramesh Menon, Abu Dhabi

To read it in original, please visit THE NATIONAL online.

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