Year 2008 have been very topsy turvy for many. However, for some of us who remained with a creative outlook, the year has been as productive or more.
As a freelancer and as a promoter of TQM & Positive Thinking values, I sincerely like to appreciate all those untiring and thankless efforts and pass on my appreciation to some members who came into prominence during the year 2008. In due course I will upload many of the commendable works by them which motivated me many times and inspired me to come out with an initiative of this sort.
I hope this initiative will be an inspiration for all the friends from media and it is an assurance that there are people who closely watch your work and appreciate your efforts. In 2009, I wish the list gets bigger and better and I hope all readers could form an opinion poll and evaluate it well in advance.
Sincere regards and All the very best,
Ramesh Menon

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