Sunday, September 30, 2012

Schools should promote health - Letters to the editor - The National Dt. 01 October 2012

Schools should promote health

Watching the flow of students returning to a reputable school near my home after the summer holidays, I noticed that most the children are overweight.

Because many schools do not have adequate play areas, I think that classroom-based exercise, and health-awareness programmes should be conducted at the start of each day.

Even five minutes each morning could change the students' outlook, making them more health and fitness conscious.

Smoking outside the school gate is another unhealthy practice that is quite common.

Schools say they are powerless in this matter as it happens off their premises. Therefore, I think it is up to health authorities to check what is going on near schools and take action against students who smoke in public - and their parents.

Ramesh Menon, Abu Dhabi

To read this in original, please visit The National online

Saturday, September 29, 2012

An artist at work

An artisan at his roadside pottery cum exhibition at Bengaluru. I clicked him as I stopped and admired his craftsmanship, speed and skill at the way he was finishing each item. He was thrilled to pose for me along with his son who is schooling as well as assisting his dad, as he learn the fine arts of his craft and selling skills.

Friday, September 28, 2012

മഴയില്ലാക്കാലത്തെ കൃഷിക്കായി മണ്ണ് ഒരുക്കാം, മനസ്സ് ഒരുക്കാം

C. _n. PnÂjm_mbn, tUm. kp[m. _n.

{]IrXnhn`h§fn Aaqeyamb H¶mWv Pew. a\pjycmins¡¶t]mse, kkytemI¯n\pw PeanÃmsX \ne\n¸nÃ. Pe¯nsâ {][m\ t{kmXÊmWv ag. ag¡me§sfbpw Pee`yXsbbpw ASnØm\s¸Sp¯nbmWv \½psS IrjncoXnIÄ Hs¡bpw Nn«s¸Sp¯nbn«pÅXv. F¶m BtKmfXm]\w AYhm ""t¥m_ hmanwKv'' F¶ {]XnIqe {]Xn`mk¯m \½psS ImemhØbv¡p h¶n«pÅ amä§Ä Cu Nn«Isf Hs¡bpw amänadn¡pIbmWv.

ImemhØm amä§fn {][m\amWv kabw sXän s]¿p¶ ag, AXpt]mse agbpsS Afhn hcp¶ hyXnbm\§Ä F¶nh. 2012 se sX¡p]Snªmd³ a¬kqWn h¶ hyXnbm\§Ä C§s\ Nn´n¡pt¼mÄ hfsc {][m\amWv. IW¡pIÄ A\pkcn¨v tIcf¯n C¡pdn Pq¬þPqsse amk§fn ag Xosc Ipdhmbncp¶p. ap³hÀj§fpambn XmcXays¸Sp¯pt¼mÄ, bYm{Iaw 23 Dw 47 Dw iXam\w Ipdhv agbmWv Pq¬þPqsse amk§fn tIcf¯n e`n¨Xv. GXmWvSv 5 PnÃIÄ Gsd¡psd hcĨm_m[nXw F¶ \nebntebv¡pw F¯nt¨À¶n«pWvSv. ag Ipdbp¶Xn\v ImcW§Ä At\IamWv. ImSpIfpw Pet{kmXÊpIfpw X®oÀ¯S§fpw \jvSamIp¶Xv Ahbn NneXpam{Xw. e`yamb agsb ]camh[n a®nend¡pI, D]tbmKs¸Sp¯pI þ CXmWv CubhØbn \nÀt±in¡mhp¶ {]mtbmKnI ]cnlmcw. CXn\mbn H«\h[n amÀK§Ä A\phÀ¯n¡mw.

Pekw`cWw sa¨s¸Sp¯pI

Ipf§Ä, tXmSpIÄ XpS§nb D]cnXe Pet{kmXÊpIsf kwc£n¡pI, hÀjmhÀjw sNfn tImcnamän ipNnbm¡n AhbpsS kw`cWtijn hÀ[n¸n¨v s]bvXp hogp¶ agsb tiJcn¡m³ kÖam¡pI, Ipf§fpw tXmSpIfpw \nI¯p¶ {]hWX Ahkm\n¸n¡pI.

ta¡qc agshÅkw`cW¯n {]tXyI {i² sNep¯pI. ta¡qcbn s]bvXphogp¶ Pew tiJcn¨v Acn¨v ip²nbm¡n kw`cWnIfn kq£n¡pI. Cu agshÅw InWdpIÄ doNmÀÖv sN¿phm\pw D]tbmKs¸Sp¯pI.

{]IrXnZ¯ Pekw`cWnIfmWv s\ÂhbepIÄ. s]bvXp hogp¶ agsb tiJcn¨p \nÀ¯n a®nend¡pI F¶XmWv s\ÂhbepIfpsS {][m\ [Àaw. Ignª Ggp hÀj¯n\nsS GXmWvSv 34 iXam\w s\ÂhbepIfmWv tIcf¯n \jvSambXv. 2004 apX 2011 hscbpÅ ImeL«¯n GXmWvSv 71,651 slIvSÀ s\ÂhbepIÄ \jvSambn. `qKÀ`Pet]mjW¯n CXpaqew DWvSmb Ipdhn\m ]ebnS§fnepw IpSnshÅw ap«p¶ AhØ kwPmXambn. Ahtijn¡p¶ s\ÂhbepIsfsb¦nepw \jvSamImsX kwc£nt¡WvSXv \½Ä Hmtcmcp¯cpsSbpw IÀ¯hyamsWt¶mÀ¡pI.

Xpdkmb Øe§fn Ir{Xna¡pf§Ä \nÀan¨v Pekw`cWw Dd¸m¡mw. C¯cw Ipf§fn knÂt]mfn³ AYhm Pntbmsawt{_³ joäpIÄ hncn¨pd¸n¨v s]bvXp hogp¶ agsb tiJcn¡mw. Cu Pew agbnÃmamk§fn \\bv¡mbn D]tbmKs¸Sp¯mw.

ag¡pgnIfmWv `qKÀ` Pekw`cW¯n\p klmbIamb Hcp {][m\ amÀKw. IrjnbnS§fn A§n§mbn 50 skâoaoäÀ \of¯nepw hoXnbnepw Bg¯nepapÅ IpgnI FSp¯v s]bvXphngp¶ agsb kw`cn¡mw. ssPhhkvXp¡Ä D]tbmKn¨v Ipgn\ndbv¡p¶]£w A]IS§fpw Hgnhm¡m\mIpw. InWdpIÄ¡p Npäpw sNdnb ag¡pgnIÄ FSp¯m InWÀ doNmÀPv sN¿p¶Xn\pw D]Icn¡pw.


h\§sf kwc£n¡pIsb¶Xv BtKmfXm]\¯n\v XSbnSm\pÅ kp{][m\ amÀKamWv. hr£§Ä¡v Pekwc£W¯n {][m\ ]¦pWvSv. HmSnsbmgpIp¶ Pes¯ XSp¯p \nÀ¯m³ hr£§fpsS thcpIÄ¡mIpw. IqSmsX ac¯n \n¶v s]mgnªphogp¶ CeIfpw aäpw `qan¡v Hcp ]pX¸mbn hÀ¯n¨v a®nsâ PemKncWtijn hÀ[n¸n¡p¶p.

]qÀWamb h\hXvIcWw ]e {]mtbmKnI ImcW§fmepw Akm[yambXn\m ImÀjnI h\hXvIcWw, kmaqlnI h\hXvIcWw, ImhpIfpsS kwc£Ww F¶nhbneqsS \ap¡v C¡mcyw \S¸m¡m\mIpw. IrjnbnS§fn ImÀjnI hnfIÄs¡m¸w hr£§ÄIqSn \«p]nSn¸n¡p¶ At{Km t^mdkv{Sn k{¼ZmbamWv ImÀjnI h\hXvIcWw. tIcf¯nse ho«phf¸pIfn C{]Imcw ¹mhv, Bªnen, a«n, almKWn, s]cpacw XpS§n H«\h[n h\hr£§sf \«phfÀ¯m\mIpw. kmaqlnI h\hXvIcWw/tkmjy t^mdkv{Sn coXnbnÂ, s]mXpØe§fmb ]mXtbmc§Ä kvIqÄ, tImfPv, Hm^okv Im¼kpIÄ ChnsSsbÃmw hr£§Ä \«p]nSn¸n¡p¶p.

ImhpIfmIs« sNdph\§fmWv. hoSpItfmSpw t£{X§tfmSpw A\p_Ôn¨pÅ ImhpIfpsS kwc£Ww Pekwc£W¯n kp{][m\amWv. \oÀ¯Sm[njvTnX ]²XnIfn ImÀjnI þkmaqlnI h\hXvIcW {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡pw ImhpIfpsS kwc£W¯n\pw {]m[m\yw \ÂImw. hr£ss¯IfpsS hnXcWw \S¯pI hgn IÀjI\v h\hXvIcW {]hÀ¯\§fn t{]mÕml\w \ÂImw.

anI¨ ImÀjnI apdIÄ

IrjnbnS¯n\v ]pXbnSoÂ, BhcWhnfIÄ F¶nh Pekwc£W¯n\v {]tXyI {]tbmP\w sN¿pw. agshÅw HmSnsbmgpImsX ]nSn¨p\nÀ¯n a®nte¡v Cd¡Ww. _lp\ne Irjn k{¼Zmb¯n sX§ns\m¸w ]e Dbc§fn hfcp¶ CShnfIsf¡qSn DÄs¸Sp¯pIhgn s]bvXphogp¶ agshůnsâ iànIpd¨v a®nse¯n¡m\mIp¶p. Hen¨p \jvSamImsX a®n BKncWw sN¿m\pÅ kabw \ÂIp¶p. sX§n\p XSsaSp¡pI F¶ efnXamb ImÀjnIapd t]mepw Pe]cnt]mjW¯n\v klmbIamWv. sXt§meIfnÂ\n¶pw sX§n³ XSnbn \n¶psams¡ HgpInhcp¶ shÅw XS§fn sI«n\nÀ¯n a®nte¡v \nt£]n¡mw.

Imcy£aamb PetkN\coXnIÄ Ahew_n¨v Pe\jvSw ]camh[n Ipdbv¡pI F¶XmWv asämcmibw. {Un¸v, kv{]nw¥À, ssat{Im kv{]nw¥À XpS§n H«\h[n kq£vaPetkN\ coXnIfpWvSv. IrjnbnS¯nse hnfIÄ¡v tbmPn¨ ssat{Im kv{]nwKvfÀ coXnIÄ sXcsªSp¡m³ IÀjIÀ¡v ]cnioe\w \ÂImhp¶XmWv. IqSmsX KthjWcwK¯v hcĨsb AXnPohn¡p¶ hnfIsfbpw C\§sfbpw hnIkn¸ns¨Sp¡m\pÅ {]hÀ¯\§fpw BhiyamWv. ""Pew PohmarX''amsW¶ Xncn¨dnthmsS Cu Aaqeyk¼¯v kwc£n¡m³ \½tfmtcmcp¯cpw X¿mdmtIWvSXpw Gähpw BhiyamWv.

t^m¬:0487 2372331 
Source, credits and thanks to :

താമര മലരുകള്‍ വിടരും തോട്ടം

koa kptcjv

\£{Xcq]sam¯ ]q¡Ä; km£m apøqhnt\mSv kam\amb kpKÔw. F¶m CXp Xs¶bmtWm icnbmb apøqhv F¶p tNmZn¨m Aà Xm\pw; ]ns¶ GXmWv Cu ]qhv? CXmWv \£{Xapà F¶ ÌmÀ Pmkvan³. cq]¯n \£{X kZrihpw kpKÔ¯n apøqhn\v Xpeyhpw. "tIm¬s^Utdäv Pmkvan³' F¶pw t]cpWvSv. at\mlchpw DuÀÖkzehpamb Cu \nXylcnX hÅns¨Sn {]Xe§fn ]än¸nSn¨v ]camh[n 12 aoäÀ hsc Dbc¯n hfcpw. CXnsâ ]äpthcpIÄ¡v ]nSn¨p Ibdm³ anI¨ Icp¯pWvSv.

No\¡mcnbmWv kpµcnbmb Cu DZym\eX. icnbmb apÃs¨Snbà F¦nepw "Pmkvan\w' F¶ P\pknse AwKamWnXv. \£{Xapà ]tWvS¡p]tWvS hfÀ¯nbncp¶Xv DZym\¯sâ AXncpIÄ adbv¡m\pw Iam\§fn ]SÀ¯n hfÀ¯m\pw aäpamWv. CjvSnItbm tIm¬ {Iotäm sImWvSpXoÀ¯ NpacpIfn ]SÀ¯n hfÀ¯m\mbm \KckmlNcy§fnse A[ntImjvamhv BKncWw sNbvXv Ipdbv¡m³ Cu sNSn klmbn¡pw. hk´¯nsâ XpS¡¯nepw th\ ¡pamWv Cu sNSnbpsS {][m\ ]q¡mew. G{]n apX Pqsse hsc. kpKÔhmlnbmbXn\m hoSnsâtbm DZym\¯nsâtbm Hs¡ {]thi\IhmS¯n Xs¶ ]SÀ¯n hfÀ ¯m³ A\ptbmPyamWv. Hcn©v hen¸¯n N{Icq]¯n CXfpIfpÅ ]q¡Ä sNSnbn \ndsb ]nSn¡pI km[mcWw. shÅs¡«pWvSmIm¯, icmicn hf¡qdpÅ a®nepw \£{Xapà \¶mbn hfcpw. ]Xnss¯IÄ \t«m a[yaqs¸¯nb XWvSn³ IjW§Ä apdn¨p \t«m ]pXnb sNSn hfÀ¯mw. sNSn ]qÀ®kqcy{]Im¯nepw `mKnIamb XWenepsams¡ hfcpw. ssXIÄ Hcp `mKw aWepw cWvSp `mKw a®pw cWvSp`mKw Ces¸mSnbpw IeÀ¯nsbmcp¡nb t]m«nMv an{inX¯n \Smw. hfcp¶ L«¯n \\ ip]mÀi sN¿p¶psWvS¦nepw ag¡meamIpt¼mÄ XS¯n shÅs¡«pWvSmImsX {i²n¡Ww. N«nIfn hfÀ¯nsbmcp¡nb sNSn P\mIÄt¡m hmXnepIÄt¡m AcnIn h¨m anI¨ kpKÔw {]Zm\w sN¿pw. ]I kab¯v \£{Xapà A[nIw {]mWnIsf BIÀjn¡mdnsænepw cm{XnIme¯v \nimie`§fpÄs¸sSbpÅ {]mWnIÄ CXn\p Npäpw h«an«p ]d¡p¶Xv ImWmw. ]SÀ¶p hfcp¶ kz`mhapÅXmImbm hfÀ¨bv¡\pkcn¨v sIm¼ptImXn hfÀ¯m³ {i²n¡Ww. ]pXnb I¼pIÄ \Sm\mbn apdns¨Sp¡pt¼mÄ apdnhmbn \n¶v ]mept]mepÅ {ZmhIw NmSp¶Xv ImWmw. CXv ]qÀWambpw amdnbnt« I¼v hfÀ¨mam[ya¯n \Sm³ ]mSpÅp. AXpw thcp]nSn¡en\v klmbamb tlmÀtam¬ ]pc«nam{Xw. A{Kw IqÀ¯ Xnf§p¶ ISpw ]¨\ndapÅ CXnsâ CeIfpw BIÀjIamWv. KrtlmZym\§Ä¡p ]pdsa ]mÀ¡pIfnepw \nc¯pIfnepw s]mXp DZym\§fnepsams¡ hfÀ¯m³ A\ptbmPyamWv \£{XapÃ. DNnXambn Xm§pIÄ \ÂIn ]SÀ¯n hfÀ¯msa¦n FhnsSbpw Hcp \nXylcnXad (FhÀ {Ko³ kv{Io³) F¶ \nebv¡v Cu DZym\kkyw D]Icn¡pw. C\n ]SÀ¯n hfÀ¯m³ XmXv]cyanà F¦n Nne Øe§fn CXv a¬\nc¸n\p aosX Hcp BhcWambpw ({KuWvSv IhÀ) hfÀ ¯p¶ ]XnhpWvSv.

anIhpä kpKÔhmlnbmbXn\m \£{Xapøq¡fn \n¶v hfsc hneIqSnb Hcp Xcw kpKÔssXew Bhnbn hmän thÀXncn¡mdpWvSv. A¯À \nÀamWhyhkmb¯n Cu kpKÔssXe¯n\v henb kzm[o\hpapWvSv. ]pIbv¡m\p]tbmKn¡p¶ [qa]ZmÀ°§fn ssN\, hnbväv\mw, Xmbve³Uv F¶nhnS§fn CsXmcp apJytNcphbpamWv.Xmbve³Un "Pmkvan³ ssdkv' AYhm apÃt¨mdv Xbmdm¡m\pw \£{Xapà D]tbmKn¡p¶p. ChbpsS 20 ]q¡Ä Hcp enäÀ shůn Hcp cm{Xn ap¡nh¨tijw B shÅw sXfnbqänbmWv Cu tNmdv ]mIw sN¿p¶Xv. IqSmsX hÅnbpsS XWvSn \n¶v thÀXncns¨Sp¡p¶ ZrVamb \mcp]tbmKn¨v IbÀ, Nm¡v, ISemkv F¶nhbpw \nÀan¡p¶p.

t^m¬: 9446306909 
Source, credits and thanks to :

മേല്‍ക്കൂരയില്‍ വിരിയുന്ന വസന്തം

ta¡qcbn hncnbp¶ hk´w 

kntPm ss]\mS¯v

hoSnsâ sSdkn Fs´ Ãmw Irjn sN¿mw? ]¨¡dn, ]q¡Ä... sSdkv Irjn ioeam¡nbhÀ¡pt]mepw CXnt\mSp Iq«nt¨À¡m³ A[nIapWvSmhm\nSbnÃ. F¶m Cu tNmZy¯n\p¯cambn F´pw Irjn sN¿mw F¶p adp]Sn ]dbp¶ Hcp Fgp]¯ncWvSpImc\pWvSv sIm¨nbnÂ. \KcPohnX¯nsâ AXnthK kwkvImc¯n\nSbnepw hoSnsâ sSdkn I¸bpw tN\bpw hmgbpsams¡ Irjn sNbvXp anI¨ hnfhpWvSm¡n XmakØew at\mlc IrjnbnSam¡nb hn³kâv ssh¸\¡p ImÀjnIhr¯n t\cw t]m¡Ã, PohnXw Xs¶.

CS¸Ån N§¼pg \Kdnse Ccp\ne hoSnsâ apIfn hn³kâv Irjnbmcw`n¨n«p CXv Ccp]Xmw hÀjw. CSp¡nbn \n¶p \mÂ]Xp hÀjw ap¼mWv sIm¨nbnse¯nbXv. sNdp¸w apX a®nt\mSpw IrjntbmSpsams¡ CgpInt¨À¶ PohnXhgnIsf Xncp¯m³ \Kc¯n\mbnÃ. ho«mhiy¯n\pÅ ]¨¡dnIÄ DXv]mZn¸n¨mbncp¶p sSdkv IrjnbpsS XpS¡w.

sSdkn N«nIÄ kÖam¡n AXn Irjn sN¿p¶ coXntbmSp hn³kân\p A{X XmXv]cyanÃ. Hcp hn¯v `qanbn hfcpt¼mÄ e`n¡p¶ FÃm kmlNcy§fpw sSdkv Irjnbnepw DWvSmIWsa¶ Nn´bmWv ssh¸\ ho«nse ta¡qc Irjnsb hyXykvXam¡p¶Xv. {]tXyI Xc¯n a¬hmcsamcp¡n AXnemWp hmgbpw I¸bpw tN\bpsams¡ Irjn sN¿p¶Xv. thcpIÄ¡p ]SÀ¶pIbdm³ Bhiy¯n\p a®psWvS¶Xp hnfIsf Icp¯pÅXm¡psa¶mWv hn³kânsâ ]£w.

NIncns¯mWvSmWv tIm¬{Ioän\papIfn BZyw hncn¡p¶Xv. XpSÀ¶p aosX Hcn©p I\¯n a®p hncn¡pw. apIfn hoWvSpw Hcn¡Â¡qSn NIncns¯mWvSv hncn¨tijamWv Bhiy¯n\p a®v \nt£]n¡p¶Xv. Npäpw tlmtfm{_nIvknsâ IÃv \nc¯p¶Xn\m a®v \nÝnX Øe¯pXs¶ InS¡pw. C¯c¯n Hcp¡nb A©p hmc§fnem
n Ccp]tXmfw hmgIÄ Ct¸mÄ hn³kânsâ sSdknepWvSv. CXntesdbpw hnfshSp¸n\p ]mIambh. kam\amb Xc¯n \nesamcp¡nb aq¶p hmc§fnemWv I¸bpw Irjn sN¿p¶Xv. HSphn hnfshSp¯ Hcp I¸bn Ggc Intem hnfhp e`n¨p.

Hcp hmc¯nse hmgbpw I¸bpw ]mIamIpt¼mtg¡pw ASp¯Xn Irjnbnd¡p¶Xn\m hÀjw apgph³ hnfhp e`n¡p¶ kmlNcyapsWvS¶p hn³kâv ]dbp¶p. shWvS, hgpX\§, ]bÀ, Ip¼fw, Ing§v, tN¼v, Noc F¶nhs¡m¸w aäp ]¨¡dnIfpw sSdkn hfcp¶pWvSv. hÀj§fmbn ho«mhiy¯n\pÅ ]¨¡dn ]pd¯p\n¶p hmt§WvSn h¶n«nsöp hn³kânsâ `mcy tacn ]dbp¶p. ]¨¡dnIfpw I¸bpw hmg¸ghpsams¡ AbÂhoSpIfnepw kao]s¯ aT§fnepw ]ÅnIfnepw ]¦phbv¡p¶ ioehpw Cu IpSpw_¯n\pWvSv.

sSdkv Irjnbnte¡p Hcp cq]bpsS t]mepw cmkhfw ASp¸n¨n«nÃs{X. ho«nse `£Wmhinã§Ä, ]d¼nse ]pÃv F¶nh am{XamWv hfw. ]pÃv `£n¡p¶ I¶pImenIfpsS NmWIw hfsa¦nÂ, AtX ]pÃv a®n InS¶mepw anI¨ hfamIpsa¶mWv Cu IÀjIsâ \nco£Ww. Irjn¡miyamb shÅw kw`cn¡p¶Xn\p sSdkn kwhn[m\apWvSv. agshÅkw`cWnbpw CXn\p {]tbmP\s¸Sp¯p¶p. ]Xn\©p skâp hcp¶ ]pcbnS¯n Irjn sN¿p¶ tX¡v, almKWn, ¹mhv, amhv, \mcIw, sX§v, Nm¼ XpS§nbh¡pw ssPhhfw am{X amWv D]tbmKn¡p¶Xv.

sSdkv Irjn ta¡qcbv¡p tZmjamsW¶ hmZt¯mSp hn³kân\p tbmPn¸nÃ. shÅw sI«n¡nS¡p¶ kmlNcyw Hgnhm¡nbm C¡mcy¯n sSdkns\¡pdn¨p Hcmi¦bpw thsWvS¶p hn³kâv ASnhcbnSp¶p. cWvSmbnc¯n tI{µkÀ¡mÀ kÀhokn \n¶p hncan¨ tijw Irjn¡p IqSpX kabw IsWvS¯p¶ hn³kân\p aq¶p a¡fpWvSv.

t^m¬: 9048753527 

Source, credits and thanks to :

കോഴിക്കാഷ്ടത്തില്‍ നിന്ന് വൈദ്യുതി

കോഴിക്കാഷ്ടത്തില്‍ നിന്ന് വൈദ്യുതി 
Nne XangI ]mT§Ä

tImgnbnd¨n AI¯m¡p¶Xn A{X ]n¶neÃm¯ \mw tImgnhfs¯¡pdn¨v BtemNn¡mdptWvSm? CXm BtemNn¡pI am{Xaà tImgn¡mjvT¯n \n¶v sshZypXnhsc DXv]mZn¸n¡p¶ Hcp kwcw`w Xangv\m«n \ma¡en {]hÀ¯n¡p¶p! C´ybnse Xs¶ tImgnhfÀ¯ensâ BØm\amWv \ma¡Â. Hcp Znhkw ChnSs¯ IÀjIÀ 2 1/2 tImSn ap«bmWv Dev]mZn¸n¨v hn]Wnbnse¯n¡p¶Xv; {]XnZn\hcpam\amIs« 7 tImSn cq]bpw. \ma¡Â KuWvSw]mfbw IpamcawKew Xncps¨t¦ms« ZpssccmP³ F¶ ImÀjnIkwcw`I\mWv tImgn¡mjvT¯n \n¶pÅ aosYbn³ hmXIw Hcp khntij kmt¦XnIhnZybpsS klmb¯m sshZypXnbm¡n amäp¶Xv. ChnS¶v tiJcn¡p¶ 800 S¬ tImgnhfw D]tbmKn¨v Ct±lw 16 saKmhm«v sshZypXn Hcp aWn¡qdn DXv]mZn¸n¡p¶p. ip`{io _tbm F\ÀPokv F¶mWv Ct±l¯nsâ Øm]\¯nsâ t]cv. C{ktb kmt¦XnIhnZybp]tbmKn¨pÅ Cu kwcw`¯n \n¶v sshZyqXn DXv]mZn¸n¨v _m¡nhcp¶ {Zhhfw GXmWvSv 10,000 enätdmfw Ct±lw hfambn¯s¶ hn¡p¶p. tImgnhfw hn¡p¶Xphgn IÀjIÀ¡v Hmtcm tImgnbn \n¶pw 13 cq] A[nImZmbw e`n¡pIbpw sN¿p¶p.

kzmZnjvSamb tImgnbnd¨n t]mse Xs¶ BZmbIcamb tImgnhf¯nsâbpw A\´km[yXIÄ IsWvS¯nb Cu {]mtbmKnI_p²n F{X ÇmLn¨mepw aXnhcnÃ. 
Source, credits and thanks to :

മധുരിക്കും സൌന്ദര്യം

a[pchpw kuµcyhpwþ cWvSpw `uXnI PohnX¯nse cWvSv BIÀjW kq{X§Ä. Ch F{Xt¯mfw klmbItam ]ckv]cw ]qcItam F¶dnbnÃ; F¶m D¯À{]tZin apkm^À\KÀ PnÃbnse P³km^n [oÀknwKv F¶ 56 Imc\mb IÀjI³ a[pc¯nsâ ]cymbamb Icn¼n\v CShnfbmbn kuµcy{]XoIamb ¥mUntbmekv ]q¡Ä hfÀ¯n hnPbw sIm¿p¶p. aq¶p ]XnämWvSnsâ ImÀjnI A\p`h k¼¯v; Dcpf¡ng§v, Icn¼v, ¥mUntbmekv, tKmX¼v F¶nh {][m\ IrjnIÄ. IqSmsX Imenk¼¯v thsdbpw. Icn¼n³ ]mS¯nsâ hc¼pIfn HIvtSm_À amkamWv [oÀknwKv ¥mUntbekv ssXIÄ hcn ]nSn¨p \SpI. A§s\bmbm s^{_phcnbmIpt¼mÄ ]q¯WvSpIÄ Cdps¯Sp¡m³ sdUn. ]qs¨SnbpsS Ing§pIÄ Hcp amkw a®n Xs¶ \nÀ¯ntb¡pw. At¸mtg¡pw Ah kzbw ZrUoIcn¡pw. amÀ¨n Cf¡nsbSp¡pw. AsIbpÅ 2.5 slIvSÀ Øe¯v Hcp slIvSdnembncp¶p Cu ]cn£W¡rjn. GsX¦nepw Hcphnfam{Xw sNbvXm In«p¶ AämZmbamb 93,000 cq]bpsS Øm\¯v Icn¼pw ¥mUntbekv ]pjv]§fpw ssItImÀ¯t¸mÄ In«nbtXm? 3.08 e£w cq]! icmicn hnfhv F§s\bmsWt¶m? slIvSdn\v 1000 Iznâ Icn¼v,v 15,0000 ¥mUntbmekv ]q¯WvSpIÄ ]pdsa 75000 ¥mUntbmekv hn¯p Ing§pw A©p Iznâ sNdnb hn¯p Ing§pw. A[nImZmb¯n\n \nsb´p thWw. Icn¼pIrjnbn ]pckvImc tPXmhmb [oÀknMnsâ sXm¸nbn Hcp a[pcn¡p¶ XqhÂIqSn. 

Source, credits and thanks to :

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Forgotten, but not fully

Forgotten, but not fully. This typewriter and the make shift office of this typist, is still an important point of action. The advent of DTP process have not killed these technicians, at least in some part of our country. However, sad news is that, the production of typewriters have been stopped and parts are a difficulty to get, and these units are sure to die in the near future.

Toyota Venza 2013

A brand new 2013 modely Toyota Venza on road at Abu Dhabi. It will be an interest entry to drive on.

Mr. Idli - What You See Is What You Click (WysiWyc)

Mr. Idli, a new food outlet in Bengaluru.... Food, good quality is always a drive near to you at Bengaluru.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ganapathi Om Jaya by Rajashree Menon

Ganapathi Om Jaya by Rajashree Menon and team of singers on Ganesha Chathurthi, 19th September 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rain drops

Ganesha Festival - September 2012

Reader pictures of the week - Gulf News

Reflections Ramesh Menon took this photograph while on vacation in Kerala, India. He said: “Looking at the reflection of nature on a rainy day gave me a nostalgic feeling. I knew that what I was seeing was momentary as I was coming back to sunny UAE soon.

ടെറസിലെ പച്ചക്കറി കൃഷി: Vegetable cultivation in Terrace

Terrace vegetable cultivation undertaken by Sri. Bhaskaran Nair, former Deputy Director of Agriculture in his 4 cent residential plot in the heart of Trivandrum city

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Helmets - use quality ones and follow road rules

Helmets - While enforcing the helmet rule, Traffic authorities should make sure that proper quality helmets are being sold. And considering cases of road side vendors, they should join hands with appropriate standards authorities to ensure that the standards noted on these helmets are genuine and approved. The photo attached is an example of a rider here in UAE, who is carrying a helmet for him as well for his partner. Many times we see pillion riders not wearing helmet and the rider riding extremely fast cutting dangerously through the city traffic and that through the roads with numerous potholes and bumps.

Ride and Reach home safe.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Border Tree - and road perils on Tamilnadu Kerala border

Border tree - photo by Rajashree Menon

This is a tree which is situated on the National Highway road and at the border connecting Kerala and Tamilnadu through Coimbatore. For several years it has been lying in the same state, no leaves, no changes, just the same as it is. In front of it, a half constructed bridge too. Just like the tree, it has also been there as a memorial. I do not know what is the problem, or who is behind the agony of the half constructed road and bridge in this sector. One could drive down from Bengaluru to the border of Coimbatore within 6 hours by road. But, one need lot of patience and luck to get from there to Trichur, at least within 5 - 6 hours of road time. 

As a regular, who love to drive from Bengaluru to Kerala, I feel the second sector mentioned above, one need lot of luck to drive and get through. 

Trucks, especially tankers, oil and gas, are impatient after a long wait. Include the long bodied heavy trailers who transport automobiles. They drive hard and rash, just to cover the long wait at the Tamilnadu Keala border. Result, many times, is an accident.

God bless all those who drive on this road. 

Malayalam Calendar

An excellent site to find out the date of birth and details in malayalam and other languages.


I find it very useful.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Onam Pookkalam 2012

Some of the Onam Pookkalam's we got to see during our short visit to Kerala during Onam 2012

At Trichur Municipal Corporation - from a competition that was happening there at that time

At our home, floral decoration by little ones:

Traditional Pookkalam at Guruvayoor temple;

Traditional Pookkalam at Irinjalakuda Koodalmanikyam Temple:

Pookkalam 2012

Mazhaneer Thullikal - rainy moments of a GULF NRI

Mazhaneer Thullikal - rainy moments of a GULF NRI

Rain water is precious - Harvest it. when you get it.

Ramesh Menon, Abu Dhabi
02 September 2012