Sunday, 17 January 2010
Dear participating members and Talent Share Fans,
I am sure you are all noticing that Talent Share blog and Fan page is passing through a period of several innovative changes. As part of a dedicated effort to make it as a “must place of visit online”, I have now introduced the following interesting topics in the Discussion section here:
1. Showcase your blogs, Face Book groups and Fan page:
Do you have an interesting blog, Face Book group or Fan page or web site to list. Do it here for the information and benefit of our fans. Please note to:
- provide the URL of your blog
- A short and sweet three sentence description which describes fully well about your site.
- Any postings on the walls will not remain forever, whereas this will be a permanent advertisement for your site.
- In addition, all the submitted sites, will be categorized and periodically displayed, and added to www.indianbloggersnest.blogspot.com
Do participate with interest.
Click here to visit this section.
2. Assignments and projects for Talent Share Fans
A new series of periodical assignments for participating fans, especially children have been introduced as part of developing collective participation amongst children and adults. The first of the series to come out from it is to post our school anthem, in text as well as in video.
Do participate with interest.
Click here to visit this section.
3. Visitors Book - You are welcome to post your greetings and blessings here
Talent Share Fans and Visitors are welcome to post their thoughts here. Please do not hesitate to add a few lines of your appreciation to the creativity of these little children. Introduce at least one child who you believe has a creative spark in him/her to www.talentshare.blogspot.com and Talent Share Fan page on Face Book.
Do participate with interest.
Click here to visit this section.
4. Suggestions on Theme for the month and notes for improvement
In this discussion, you may post your suggestions and notes for improvements for Talent Share activities. You may post the items you wish to see happening here in the coming months and also your suggestion notes of improvement to take it to more creative minds.
Do participate with interest.
Click here to visit this section.
5. Participating members log
Talent Share Fan page and blog is a systematically maintained activity. It is therefore important to have a certain set of discipline while posting, which will help me organize it easily and efficiently each time. Participants are therefore requested to post each time, the following details along with their creativity:
In addition, any new member, please send a copy of the same information, with the following additional detail to the email : team1dubai@gmail.com
Parent(s) name:
Parent(s) email:
Contact Telephone(s) :
This is to include your details in a permanent database for all the children/members participating in Talent Share activities.
Do participate with commitment.
Click here to visit this section.
6. Competition and Talent participation opportunities
Please do present here any participation or competition you come across so that children can attend and participate.
Do present any available opportunity for our members to inspire them to showcase their talent in bigger venues.
Click here to visit this section.
7. You Have an Idea - then present it here
This is a special section created as a group activity or even as an individual activity to develop the writing skills, in particularly community reporting skills of the children and adults alike.
Do participate with interest.
Click here to visit this section.
8. Your exams and special activity schedule
Las but not the least, your studies and exams are very important. Therefore, it would be interesting if you post here, your exam schedule. It will also give an insight to me for planning, and to slow down things during that period. In addition, it will give all of us a general idea about different schools and their style and duration of exams.
Do present this details for our overall benefit.
Click here to visit this section.
9. Please note that the theme for this month is “Rain, winter and Burj Khalifa”. Plans are in place to present a complete collection of the presented work to respectable groups/authorities to honor the creativity. So, please make sure your work (painting, drawing, poems, short stories etc...) are there in this exclusive presentation.
Do participate with interest.
10. I believe that participation of members with interest is more important than mere count on the membership meter. Talent Share is a Fan page created to exhibit Creativity. And therefore, it is my intention to keep it's wall with only creative presentation. All fans are kindly requested to not post any messages on it’s wall. Please make it a place for presenting creative presentations.
Do participate with interest.
11. As you all know, Talent Share does not remain a web based activity. I make sure, the concept is reaching schools here and around. It is done at my own pace and convenience and currently the concept is undergoing formal registration process and the activities happening here and the blog is monitored by authorities responsible for it. This is also the reason for the increased awareness of it through radio and the press.
12. Please do make it a point to visit and encourage each of the participants. Your guidance and comments are injections of inspirations for them to come back and present a more beautiful poem or poetry.
Thanking all of you in advance for joining Talent Share as a Fan. Please do invite any child or creative person, who you feel will benefit from this initiative.
Sincere regards,
Ramesh Menon
17 January 2010
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Sunday, 17 January 2010
Dear participating members and Talent Share Fans,
I am sure you are all noticing that Talent Share blog and Fan page is passing through a period of several innovative changes. As part of a dedicated effort to make it as a “must place of visit online”, I have now introduced the following interesting topics in the Discussion section here:
1. Showcase your blogs, Face Book groups and Fan page:
Do you have an interesting blog, Face Book group or Fan page or web site to list. Do it here for the information and benefit of our fans. Please note to:
- provide the URL of your blog
- A short and sweet three sentence description which describes fully well about your site.
- Any postings on the walls will not remain forever, whereas this will be a permanent advertisement for your site.
- In addition, all the submitted sites, will be categorized and periodically displayed, and added to www.indianbloggersnest.blogspot.com
Do participate with interest.
2. Assignments and projects for Talent Share Fans
A new series of periodical assignments for participating fans, especially children have been introduced as part of developing collective participation amongst children and adults. The first of the series to come out from it is to post our school anthem, in text as well as in video.
Do participate with interest.
3. Visitors Book - You are welcome to post your greetings and blessings here
Talent Share Fans and Visitors are welcome to post their thoughts here. Please do not hesitate to add a few lines of your appreciation to the creativity of these little children. Introduce at least one child who you believe has a creative spark in him/her to www.talentshare.blogspot.com and Talent Share Fan page on Face Book.
Do participate with interest.
4. Suggestions on Theme for the month and notes for improvement
In this discussion, you may post your suggestions and notes for improvements for Talent Share activities. You may post the items you wish to see happening here in the coming months and also your suggestion notes of improvement to take it to more creative minds.
Do participate with interest.
5. Participating members log
Talent Share Fan page and blog is a systematically maintained activity. It is therefore important to have a certain set of discipline while posting, which will help me organize it easily and efficiently each time. Participants are therefore requested to post each time, the following details along with their creativity:
In addition, any new member, please send a copy of the same information, with the following additional detail to the email : team1dubai@gmail.com
Parent(s) name:
Parent(s) email:
Contact Telephone(s) :
This is to include your details in a permanent database for all the children/members participating in Talent Share activities.
Do participate with commitment.
6. Competition and Talent participation opportunities
Please do present here any participation or competition you come across so that children can attend and participate.
Do present any available opportunity for our members to inspire them to showcase their talent in bigger venues.
7. You Have an Idea - then present it here
This is a special section created as a group activity or even as an individual activity to develop the writing skills, in particularly community reporting skills of the children and adults alike.
Do participate with interest.
8. Your exams and special activity schedule
Las but not the least, your studies and exams are very important. Therefore, it would be interesting if you post here, your exam schedule. It will also give an insight to me for planning, and to slow down things during that period. In addition, it will give all of us a general idea about different schools and their style and duration of exams.
Do present this details for our overall benefit.
9. Please note that the theme for this month is “Rain, winter and Burj Khalifa”. Plans are in place to present a complete collection of the presented work to respectable groups/authorities to honor the creativity. So, please make sure your work (painting, drawing, poems, short stories etc...) are there in this exclusive presentation.
Do participate with interest.
10. I believe that participation of members with interest is more important than mere count on the membership meter. Talent Share is a Fan page created to exhibit Creativity. And therefore, it is my intention to keep it's wall with only creative presentation. All fans are kindly requested to not post any messages on it’s wall. Please make it a place for presenting creative presentations.
Do participate with interest.
11. As you all know, Talent Share does not remain a web based activity. I make sure, the concept is reaching schools here and around. It is done at my own pace and convenience and currently the concept is undergoing formal registration process and the activities happening here and the blog is monitored by authorities responsible for it. This is also the reason for the increased awareness of it through radio and the press.
12. Please do make it a point to visit and encourage each of the participants. Your guidance and comments are injections of inspirations for them to come back and present a more beautiful poem or poetry.
Thanking all of you in advance for joining Talent Share as a Fan. Please do invite any child or creative person, who you feel will benefit from this initiative.
Sincere regards,
Ramesh Menon
17 January 2010