Top tips for the morning after
If in spite of your best intentions you end up drinking more than you should, there are a few things you can do to ease the morning after.
* Drink as much water as you can before going to sleep, and put some beside the bed too.
* A painkiller - soluble is best - helps with the headache
* Take an antacid to settle your stomach
* Alcohol is a depressant, so tea or coffee can perk you up (but it can dehydrate you, so keep up the water as well)
* Drinking lowers your blood sugar level, so eat as soon as you can. Bananas, cereal, or egg on toast are all good morning-after snacks
* Never ever do hair of the dog - you'll just prolong the agony
* Have 48 hours off the booze if it was a heavy session
And next time, follow our top tips for a great night out and you won't suffer again
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